Louis is Rwandan young Lawyer, he work at Kigali
attorneys as a senior partner, before Joining the private practice in 2018, He served as public
Prosecutor at the Rwanda National Prosecution Authority since 2011 up to 2017 where he has
been involved in many cases related to prosecution of economic crimes, and others criminal
cases before domestic courts in Rwanda.

He is a researcher fellow at CIPESA (Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and
Southern Africa, a non-governmental organisation based in Kampala, Uganda, which
basically works on Internet governance in the African Continent)

Louis is also an East African fellow at Media Legal Defence Initiative (a UK based
Ngos’which trained lawyers to advance digital rights and Technology law through strategic
litigation and provide support and legal assistance to journalists, bloggers and independent
Media ), where he was a 2016 Fellow.
He has a particular interest in Human and Constitutional Rights with a special focus on
Freedom of expression and Digital rights, Tech & ICT law, and Fintech

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